Paying It Forward

Living generously. Giving back. Passing it on.

Simply-drawn leafy vine divider
We're proud to support EcoEnclose and their vision for earth-friendly, sustainable packaging. Shipping materials may be a necessity, but we want them to be as ecologically responsible as possible. Starting with our most common package size -- the 9x7 bubble mailer -- we are transitioning to EcoEnclose's recycled & recyclable mailers, supporting their research goal of developing a bubble mailer with 100% recycled content. You can learn more about how to reuse and recycle their mailers here:

Nearly all of your packaging material from The Snarky Owl Workshop can be recycled, either through curbside programs or through grocery store drop-offs. Here's a breakdown of the packaging in a typical order:
100% plastic bubble mailer is recyclable via grocery store bag drop-offs. It is a dual-use peel & seal closure -- reusing is encouraged! Plastic zipper bag is recyclable via grocery store bag drop-offs. Cardboard jewelry box, jewelry card, tissue paper, and raffia ribbon are all recyclable via standard curbside paper recycling. The cotton filler contains manmade fibers and is not recyclable or compostable. Rubber earring backs, included with fish-hook and threader-style earrings, are not recyclable.
The Snarky Owl Workshop has been committed to the fight against food insecurity since our founding.  In fact, one of our first blog posts was about how our family uses a Reverse Advent Calendar to put together a holiday donation box for our local food pantry. So you can imagine how happy we are to announce that starting in August 2019, we're setting aside a portion of our profits from every purchase to help in the fight against hunger in our communities. Watch our blog posts and social media for updates on how your purchases are helping to make a difference.

Close-up of hands feeding a man at a soup kitchen
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The Snarky Owl Workshop is paying it forward, one purchase at a time: natural stones for jewelry
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